Cigar roller events together with our premium cigars have been strong at locations throughout the Galleria with cigar clients throughout Houston. Our cigar rollers are all hand selected and trained by a cigar rolling master. They have an average of 8 years experience performing special events under our brand name.
Planning for your Cigar Roller event should start at least 30 days from the event date to make sure that every detail will be perfect. You and our talented event planners will work in conjunction to make sure that all angels are covered for the special day.
Our “classy” cigar rollers are best suited for high end events. Besides being talented at cigar rolling, they are schooled in proper etiquette, impeccable manners and knowledge of the product. They will impress your guests on many levels!
Cigar rollers are coordinated in over 20 cities throughout the U.S. We strive to give you the best experience which makes the reception of our cigars all the more enjoyable. Houston cigar roller events along with imported Dominican cigars, custom cigar labels and a Cigar Server to hand cigars to your guest can all be combined or scheduled individually to give your event the upscale experience that make the night something to remember long after the party is over.
Once you submit the contact form, we will have a suggested packages of features that will fit best for your event including; cigar roller, custom cigar bands, cigar servers and of course, CF Dominicana Cigars which are all imported with Connecticut Shade wrapper and Dominican filler tobacco. Your “cigar planner” will suggest the best cigar to go with your events along with other details like timing and presentation will also be addressed to bring the entire event to a new level that your guests will remember.